Ignatiy Pelkonen Apps

Location Test 2.1
This application allows you to test your GPSmodule and track your location locally or to the remote server.The application shows you basic GPS info such as latitude,longitude, altitude, accuracy, speed and so on.Also you may see satellites almanac and NMEA locationstrings.You may collect all this data locally and you have an ability toreceive this data at the remote computer.Collecting navigation data remotely:You need to download server app: http://1drv.ms/V90K7TTo run it you need to have Java installed.Run the following comand in terminal (for Unix users, such asMac OS X, Linux and so on) or cmd (for Windows users):cdjava -jar server.jarThis console app will say the IP and port which you should typein mobile client settings. This app will recieve all the data frommobile client and write them to the GPSinfo.txt file.